~Magical Creations~

About Us

The Creator

Yeah it's me! XD My name is Hannah May Dela Cruz. I study at Valenzuela City Science Highschool. I am currently grade 8, section Linnaeus.

So, what about me? Nah. I'm just a typical Highschool girl known for being kinda boyish. It's because I like the feeling that when I'm gonna pass by them they'll give way for me. Hahaha. But, towards my friends? I'm nice. When talking to them I may sometimes be mean but those are just jokes and they know it. I am also a music lover. I can't resist a day without singing or listening to music. Especially Taylor Swift's songs. :)

Okay let's stop there before it gets too personal. :)

I'm not that good in using computers. I don't have time and patience to explore and learn about these things. But then, I realized that it's important not just because of the studies but because it could also help enhancing my skills. Now, I'm taking much time trying and exploring things I wanted to learn.

If you want to know me, here's my Facebook account:


This website is created for the interested people in Photoshop. It contains tutorials,parts, and many more that would help the veiwers start having knowledge about Adobe Photoshop.

This website contains pictures, definitions and examples from the following:
  1. http://www.google.com/images - For some of the pictures used in this site.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/ - For the definitions.
  3. Mrs. Jean Andaquid Tropel - For teaching me about Photoshop which I liked most, for giving me knowledge about creating websites and for being kind and patient teacher not just to me but to all of us. :)
  4. My parents, May Flourish Dela Cruz & Ricky Dela Cruz - For being supportive while I am doing my works.
  5. Classmates and Friends - For giving me ideas and help.
  6. GOD - For guiding me all the way until I finish my website.
  7. Viewers - For giving time to view my website.

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